German Interview: © Dewey Darko für
Interviewdatum: 14. Juni 2011.
Reden wir über den Film „Is it Just Me?“...
OBZ: Gerade ist in Deutschland der Film “IS IT JUST ME?“ auf DVD erschienen. Können sie
uns was zum Film und zu ihrer Figur erzählen?
DOWNS: Is It Just Me? is a Romantic Comedy, I play a young writer named Blaine, who is
very introverted and sees life as the 'glass is half empty'. I feel like I won't really ever meet someone and I constantly set myself up for failure. Until one day I meet Xander, the man of my
dreams, online, we hit it off and decide to meet in person. But then I realize I have been talking with Xander under my roommate Cameron's online profile, he's a sexy, go-go dancer, so what
chance do I have now. I persuade my roommate to pose as me to meet Xander, thinking that everything will eventually work itself out. But that does not turn out to be as easy as I thought...
OBZ: Wie sind sie an die Rolle in „Is it Just Me?“ gekommen?
DOWNS: I got called in by the casting director, Mark Sikes. I went in and auditioned
for the role of Blaine and then JC Calciano (writer/director) had what they call 'chemistry' call backs,where they paired us up with other actors playing different roles to see how we fit. A
couple days later I got the phone call that I had landed the role.
OBZ: Wollten sie ursprünglich eine andere Rolle im Film spielen und wie haben sie sich
auf die Rolle vorbereitet?
DOWNS: I had originally always wanted to play Blaine. I really felt it was the only
role that fit me in the script. Plus, I wanted to play a lead role in a film where the main plot and story line centered on the lead character. It was a challenge I was looking for. To prepare
myself, I just thought of all those times I felt defeated or that I felt maybe I was not good enough for someone and used that. I think in a way there's a little Blaine in all of us, from time to
time anyway, where that little voice of doubt creeps in and tries to convince us that we can't do something. Blaine is just that, to the extreme. But the role was not certainly just a one note
character, there were many layers to him and that also drew me to the role.
OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen Darstellern?
DOWNS: It was great. Everyone really stepped up and played their roles very well. I had
such a great time working with each one of them. One person I didn't get to work with was Bruce Gray, who plays Ernie, we just didn't have any scenes together. Once I saw the film, I was
thinking, 'Wow, I wish I could have had a scene or two with Bruce".
OBZ: Wie war die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regisseur?
DOWNS: JC is a terrific director. He knows visually what he wants but he also allows
for creative input from the actors. It's a wonderful quality that a few great directors I've worked with have. I liked working with JC so much that I helped produce his second feature that is in
the film festival circuit now called, eCupid (
OBZ: Wie waren die Reaktionen auf den Film?
DOWNS: After seeing the film the first time I felt very proud. When you're working on a
project as an actor you show up everyday and do your best to do your part and then it's somewhat out of your hands. With Is It Just Me?, everything came together just as I'd thought and I felt JC
really did a great job. It's a film I would show anyone, in fact my mom saw it and I could tell she was proud.
OBZ: Sie spielen einen Homosexuellen. Ist ihnen das besonders wichtig? Möchten damit
etwas ausdrücken oder kämpfen sie für etwas? Oder bekommen sie keine anderen Rollen?
DOWNS: This is actually the first lead role I've played where the character is gay.
Most of the roles I've played have either been straight or their sexuality was not questioned. For me, it's important to play 'good' roles. I had someone in the business tell me a while back to
not play anymore gay roles. I said, I don't care if the role is gay/straight, what I care about is the part. I will never take a mediocre straight role over a well written gay role, as an actor I
just could never do that. I recently did a video for the Trailblazer Campaign. ( I did it because I was approached by actor Chad Allen and he suggested
I would be good for it. Once I did it I got such positive response from a lot of people and I knew it was the thing to do. I feel one can follow their dreams and live their lives openly, they
don't have to live independently.
Reden wir über Sie...
OBZ: Uns ist aufgefallen, das sie bis jetzt nur in kleinen Independent Filmen zu sehen
waren. Halten sie den Independent Film für sehr wichtig? Was bedeutet für sie Independent?
DOWNS: Well, Independent means a project produced outside of the studio world, i.e.,
Warner Brothers, Universal, Sony, etc. There are a lot of projects produced this way. More and more filmmakers now have the tools to make films this way. But I have been in bigger studio projects
as well, such as; Pearl Harbor, Constantine, The Girl Next Door, The Holiday, and I've done Network TV; The Guardian, Boston Public, Young and the Restless and Make it or Break it as well as
National Commercial spots.
OBZ: Würden sie auch in einer deutschen Filmproduktion mitspielen?
DOWNS: Absolutely. I've seen some very good German films and would love to have the
opportunity. Know any roles coming up? :)
OBZ: Waren sie schon mal in Deutschland?
DOWNS: Alas, I have not. But I am looking forward to one day visiting. I've had family
and friends who have and they've all loved it.
OBZ: Mit wem würden sie gerne mal zusammen arbeiten?
DOWNS: Okay my wish list: Directors - Jim Sheridan (In America is one of my favorite
films), Steven Spielberg (Jaws and The Color Purple, both great films), Todd Haynes, Kimberly Peirce, I could on and on. Actors - Ian McKellen (hands down my favorite actor), Julianne Moore,
Samantha Morton, Cate Blanchett, I have had the opportunity to work with Kate Winslet and Tilda Swinton but would love to work on something with them that is more involved and fuller.
OBZ: Schreiben sie auch Drehbücher und führen selber Regie? Oder würden sie dieses
zumindest gerne mal machen?
DOWNS: I'm not sure if I have the talent for it yet, but I have written a script that
I'd like to produce and have the lead role in. I'm definitely an actor, but I've started to explore other things like producing/writing to help expand my opportunities and continue to learn and
OBZ: Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit Ihren Fans, Ihren Freunden, Ihrer Familie und
allen anderen etwas mitzuteilen. Was möchten sie sagen?
DOWNS: I would say thank you to all of you who have truly supported me and my dreams.
It means so much to know you were and are there for me as a support and know I'm always there for you.
OBZ: Was können wir von Ihnen in Zukunft erwarten?
DOWNS: I'm in a couple other films, 16 to Life (which is out now -, The Apocalypse According to Doris (which is in the film festival circuit and should be out soon - I was a producer on JC Calciano's second
feature, eCupid, which will be out this fall. I shot a pilot for a kid's TV show, 2cool 4school, that I have a recurring role in and also co-produced. I produce a weekly web series with JC
called, Steam Room Stories ( I'm also slated to be in and produce a few films with the same production company that did 2cool 4school, Green Nation Entertainment. One of
the projects that's first up is called, Popcorn Ceiling. I'm also really hoping to produce and be in the film I mentioned before that I wrote
Kleiner Steckbrief von Nicholas Downs…
- Geburtsort: Iowa.
- Hobbies: Fishing, Camping, Gardening.
- Lieblingsfilm: Jaws, In America or The Color Purple...or wait should I say, Is It Just Me? :)
- Lieblingsmusik: Love a variety from Dance to Country.
- Lieblingsessen: A good steak or maybe stir fry (which I can make good stir fry).
- Lebensmotto: Follow your dreams - naysayers are usually those that didn't...
- Lieblingsbuch: A simple one: Where The Red Fern Grows.
- Lieblingsstadt: Well I do love LA, but I feel once I visit Germany that may give LA a run for its money.
- Lieblingsland: I have not visited them all yet, so the juries still out, man I really need to get to Germany, huh?
© Nicholas Downs.
© Dewey Darko.