German-Interview zu „Playing It Straight“ mit Hauptdarsteller Nicholas Downs.
Interviewdatum: 14. Mai 2014.
Interviewer: Dewey Darko.
7 Fragen an Nicholas Downs zum Kurzfilm „Playing It Straight“.
OBZ: Haben Sie unsere Bewertung zum Film gelesen? Was denken Sie darüber ohne das Ende
zu verraten?
DOWNS: I did read your review of Playing It Straight. Thank you for writing such a
great one. I think it hits the mark on it being both a comedy and drama. And how we have a hard time facing the truth about ourselves sometimes, but ultimately for our sake and others we
OBZ: Wie würden Sie Ihre Rolle selber beschreiben?
DOWNS: I play the lead Patrick Knox. I´m about to marry the woman of my dreams, at
least I think she is, and go to work for my future father-in-law. Life seems perfect until I have an encounter the night before our wedding with someone else. My life opens up in ways I never
thought after that.
OBZ: Können Sie die Taten von Patrick im Film nachvollziehen?
DOWNS: I think everyone can understand having a secret or not fully being themselves at
some point in their lives. I never condone cheating on someone, when a relationship is over, it´s over. It´s about being honest and being yourself. Sometimes that is a journey though and takes
time for someone to fully go through it.
OBZ: Was will die Geschichte den Zuschauern aussagen?
DOWNS: I hope that people learn to be honest with themselves and others. And hopefully
have a few laughs along the way.
OBZ: Wie ist das Projekt entstanden?
DOWNS: I got the project the old fashioned way. I had an audition, met the director,
Michael Kenney, and we just connected.
OBZ: Wie waren bisher die Reaktionen auf den Film?
DOWNS: The reaction has been great. We have screened in Boston, New York, Palm Springs
and have future screenings in San Diego (California), Mumbai and other festivals. I have been to a couple of the screenings and the audiences have really enjoyed the film. They laugh at all the
right spots and feel the drama of the story.
OBZ: Welche Projekte stehen als nächstes bei Ihnen an?
DOWNS: I´m always looking for new and great roles to play. In the last couple years I
have worked on the TV shows Castle and NCIS:LA. I have worked on several short films, I currently work on a couple web series (one called Sloppy Tacos), I have written a feature film I hope to
one day produce and have the lead role in. I am also developing a pilot for a 1/2 hour sitcom that my creative partner and I will be pitching to networks soon.
Interviewer: © Dewey Darko für